Weakness | For many of us, the issue of White westerners
converting to Islam is baffling and infuriating. I mean if you want to be religious why don’t you go to Church, right? Wrong. These people don’t want A religion. They
want, NEED a meaning to their lives. Having enjoyed the empty thrusts of
consumerism and nihilism, they crave meaning. They need someone to give their
lives purpose, they need a system to stave off the madness. They need to feel a
part of something bigger. And this starvation of meaning is not going
to be filled by the empty words of the castrated Catholic Church or the 10,000 pozzed Protestant
covens. None of it makes sense, none of these fills the existential dread of
being alone in a cold careless Universe. Catholicism has been compromised to its core.
Vatican 2.0 ensured it is nothing but a shell of itself and that it has voided
its mission. There is nothing left but empty shining ruins of where the church
of St Peter stood. When the French Jew Couin (frenchiz So no surprise
that there are a lot of Whites who feel the need for deeper meaning in their
lives. Don’t we all? The question is “but why Islam”, right? The answer is actually pretty simple. As of
now, Islam is the only aggressively proselytizing religion in the West, and it
has answers. Unlike
the Western Christianity is doesn’t begto be accepted
into the mainstream. It has its own Weltanschauung and it provides
the poor lost souls with order in a chaotic world. It speaks volumes about the disgusting state of spiritual decadence the West is
in that these people would even consider Islam as an actual option. The answers
are so hideously wrong and alien this shouldn’t happen, but it does because
even the wrong answers are better than no answers. The mass White conversions to Islam happen
because these poor people need guidance. And nobody’s offering it. The
fact that they happen across social classes should really worry us, but the
phenomenon is kept quiet. It seems illogical at first. Why would a
Western woman choose to be dehumanized by a burkha in a religion
that tells her she’s worth ¼ of a man? Because this is a price she’s willing
to pay for belonging. For not being alone. Her older and gruff Muslim husband might beat the shit out of her
but at least she HAS one. Our people are lost in the wilderness. Our
communities are broken, the Western churches are cucked and ridiculous, so
these poor creatures look for meaning where they can find it. A doctrine is only as good as the answers it
provides, and in our weak, consumerist world being told what to do and knowing
you have support, any support in living your life is worth it. This is where we are as a civilization. It is our weakness that leads our brothers and sisters off the right path,
but can we blame them?
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