The bullshit of self esteem and dewhitification of America | At some point in the past decades something weird happened.
It turned the world upside down but very few people noticed it. It used to be that self esteem was something you built from
your achievements. You did stuff, you made errors, you got better and THEN you
had a reason to have self esteem. You had achieved something. You had a worth
you built with your own two hands. It used to be that we looked down on people who had the self
esteem but with nothing to back them up. We used to call them “full of shit”. Then something happened. Around the 70s, when the Left
realised all they had to do to gain power was to de-whitify America and turn
the Blacks and other non whites into a prisoner voting block… they had a
problem. They had managed to integrate the blacks into White schools
at the point of a gun, but there was a problem- the Blacks were constantly
underperforming. Regardless how much time and money was put into their schools,
regardless how much the white children were inconvenienced? The black kids
still fell behind. And everybody wanted to know why. Only they didn’t. The
truth of the matter had been very simple ever since the time Charles Darwin wrote
“Evolution of Species” just to try and explain why the hell were the Blacks in
Africa so far behind in terms of development from pretty much everyone else he
had met. Why they had never built a road, a multi-story building or sailed a
ship. Why were they so backwards? This will surprise you, but it is the whole truth. Here’s Darwin’s point in “The Descent of man” “The Western nations of
Europe . . . now so immeasurably surpass their former savage progenitors [that
they] stand at the summit of civilization. . . . The civilized races of man
will almost certainly exterminate and replace the savage races through the world.” So we’re in the 70s
and the Left needs to explain WHY are the Black kids underperforming. But at that point? When the USA was falling so deep into the
Cultural Marxist swamp it was choking? You couldn’t say that. So, some people came with a theory. Or to be precise, a guy
named Nathaniel Brandon whose birth name
was, hold on to your hats- Nathaniel Blumenthal came in 969 with the idea that
"feelings of self-esteem were the key
to success in life". To say this is ridiculous is to be kind. Maybe Brandon, a one
time lover of Ayn Rand – had not intended for it to be taken that way, but
those eager to explain the constant failure of our melanated cousins sure grabbed
onto it with both hands.# It basically said that before you have any achievements to
draw your self esteem from, you had to magically already have self esteem for
no reason other than the fact you were alive and breathing. This was the moment the collapse of American meritocracy
started. The moment when parents and educators were told children needed to be
given self esteem out of pure cloth, and then they will achieve. The disastrous effects of this policy are the reason why most
Americans nowadays are hilariously uneducated, and one of the late results of
it is the “representation” movement we’re dealing with right now. Because the self esteem movement fizzled out when parents and
teachers realised that instead of causing children to want to achieve more? It
just made them lazy. It also had the effect of creating an unwarranted sense of
entitlement amongst the African American community and we all know how that’s working
out. Incidentally, Mr Blumenthal, upon realising that his ideas
were dumb, tried to fix them in his next books but the horse had left the barn
so long ago it didn’t even remember where the barn was. In one of his next books he claims that self esteem should not
be drawn from the belonging to a specific ethnic group. Interesting, right? But that’s a different story. Had mister Blumenthal not come with this ridiculous and
vastly compromised idea? America would look different. Instead of the
ridiculous claims that everybody is equal and just need “self esteem” to
succeed, there would maybe exist an actual education system in America that
would allow teachers to teach instead of being underpaid babysitters to the
spawn of the worthless races. But that chance is long gone, and much as the psychologists
and educators everywhere have already finished denouncing the doctrine as
absurd- including the guy who spawned it- the damage is done. When you look at Millennials
and their constant failure to grow up, their incapacity for critical thinking
and entitlement? That’s where it comes from. A whole system that had been
based on actual merit was magically transformed into a worthless human
producing conveyor belt, who delivered overentitled and under developed children
for the Marxist teachers in colleges to indoctrinate into lazy, entitled,
mouthy and depraved beasts to support the Frankfurt School aims. Because the truth of the matter is that you can’t have socialism
without a serious loser class to sell it to. Marx’s long term pain was the fact
that his much desired Revolution didn’t happen in the highly industrialized
countries with a large working class strata. It didn’t happen because that white working class was aspirational.
Contrary to what Marx and his ilk believed, the white European working class
wanted better for their sons and daughters than just a small slice of a pie to share
with everyone else. This is why the Western Left oriented itself towards the
Lumpenproletariatt. Because they needed an obedient and prisoner demographic
that would never be in a position to improve themselves enough to go right. Their initial choice were the American Blacks- and they were bought
with welfare. The state welfare destroyed the Black family and placed the
community into a permanent position of state dependency, but their votes put
the Democrats up, and who cares about anything else? Because without the Self esteem movement, Affirmative Action
would’ve died a fast death. But in between these two and because of the
pressure of Black grifter activists, suddenly you could erase all of the Black underachievement
and ensure that incompetence no longer had repercussions. Was this intended? Blumenthal/Brandon spent the rest of his
career trying to correct the errors in his original book. He never succeeded
and whether he made an honest mistake is irrelevant at this point. What is important is facts, and the facts are simple: The Self esteem movement destroyed the meritocratic America
and paved the way for White replacement. It removed the European standards of
hard work and achievement and aspiration and replaced them(intentionally or
not) with the African style culture of laziness, entitlement and depravity,
because what’s the point in trying to succeed when you can blame all of your
failures on lack of self esteem brought upon by “rayciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiism”? Incidentally this is WHY we don’t like Millennials. Because
they refuse to act like Whites. Because they’re lazy and entitled and
preoccupied more with the symbols of success than with achieving said success. It made them act like niggers, and that’s why we find the
average Millennial so revolting. But that’s just a sidenote. When the self esteem movement fizzled out, it was replaced by
the Left with the “representation” hullabaloo. Because it’s easier to say that
certain groups fail to achieve because they have no proper role model than to
admit they are just not equipped biologically to live by White standards in a
White society built to cater to White strengths. This is important. Because you need to remember that the Western left is not
even remotely preoccupied with the wellbeing of the working class. That died
long ago. Like I have explained at length in the Marxism section of
this website, the Left has always regarded the working class as a tool to
empower it’s almost always upper class masters to take power from the
established structures onto themselves. None of the fathers of Marxism Socialism was ever poor with the
exception of Stalin. The rest of them? Marx might’ve been a loser, but he wasn’t
a poor one. Engels’ family owned a factory. Lenin came from a rich Jewish
lawyers’ family. Trotsky was the son of a very rich Jewish landowner. The list cam go on. So the Western left’s masters needed a group to do their
bidding that was smart enough to be able to vote but not smart enough to understand
they were being set up. The Whites wouldn’t do, so the Blacks became their
target. Easy to control and manipulate, unlikely to ever lift themselves up in
large enough numbers to case them problems if they turned right… it was ideal. And destroying America and mortgaging its future was a price
worth paying. They needed to de-whitify America in order to make it an easy
prey… and they did. |
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